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Under the Roofs of Paris (0802131832)

In 1941, Henry Miller, the author of Tropic of Cancer, was commissioned by a Los Angeles bookseller to write an erotic novel for a dollar a page. Under the Roofs of Paris (originally published as Opus Pistorum) is that book. Here one finds Miller's characteristic candor, wit, self-mockery, and celebration of the good life. From Marcelle to Tania, to Alexandra, to Anna, and from the Left Bank to Pigalle, Miller sweeps us up in his odyssey in search of the perfect job, the perfect woman, and the perfect experience. Product details Format Paperback | 272 pages Dimensions ...

Prime Cut : Ein Australien-Krimi (9783426519592)

Schnelles Geld, mafiöse Strukturen, Korruption in der Polizei und Rassismus - Alan Carter zeichnet in seinem Kriminalroman "Prime Cut" das erschreckende Bild einer Boomtown im australischen Outback, unter deren Oberfläche es gefährlich brodelt.

"Man hatte ihn abserviert, weil er faul, schludrig, inkompetent, arrogant und korrupt gewesen war." Cato Kwong, früher ein aufgehender Stern am australischen Polizeihimmel, ist auf dem Abstellgleis der Kriminalpolizei gelandet: beim Viehdezernat. Als in Hopetoun, einer boomenden Kleinstadt in West-Australien, eine Leiche ohne Kopf angespült wird, bekommt er seine zweite Chance. Sonnenschein und Meer - nicht die schlechtesten Bedingungen für die Aufklärung eines Mordfalls. Der Kaffee und die Leute sind allerdings ziemlich mies. Schnell wird Cato klar, dass der Aufschwung in Hopetoun seinen Preis hat: Mit ihm gehen Korruption, Ausbeutung und Rassismus einher.

"Eine frische, rauhe Stimme im australischen Crime Beat" - KrimiZeit-Bestenliste

Product details

  • Paperback | 394 pages
  • 123 x 190 x 30mm | 298g
  • German
  • 3426519593
  • 9783426519592
  • 3,429,939

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Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (9781540579614)

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the great history authored by King Alfred the Great, is published here complete with a scholarly introduction by James Ingram. One of the most famous works of history ever written about Saxon times, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is a group of chronologically arranged annals of the major events throughout the history of the Anglo-Saxon peoples. The original manuscripts survived in parts, which are complexly interrelated, with some updated during the early Middle Ages to record historical events that following the death of King Alfred. This edition is an amalgamation of several surviving manuscripts, with the final record concluding in 1154. There is some confirmed bias in the text regarding events which were politically contentious at the time. However, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is a work of gargantuan and undisputed importance and thoroughness. It excels at providing historians and readers alike a portrait of England through the years between the departure of t...

Under the Roofs of Paris (0802131832)

In 1941, Henry Miller, the author of Tropic of Cancer, was commissioned by a Los Angeles bookseller to write an erotic novel for a dollar a page. Under the Roofs of Paris (originally published as Opus Pistorum) is that book. Here one finds Miller's characteristic candor, wit, self-mockery, and celebration of the good life. From Marcelle to Tania, to Alexandra, to Anna, and from the Left Bank to Pigalle, Miller sweeps us up in his odyssey in search of the perfect job, the perfect woman, and the perfect experience. Product details Format Paperback | 272 pages Dimensions ...