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Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2021

Under the Roofs of Paris (0802131832)

In 1941, Henry Miller, the author of Tropic of Cancer, was commissioned by a Los Angeles bookseller to write an erotic novel for a dollar a page. Under the Roofs of Paris (originally published as Opus Pistorum) is that book. Here one finds Miller's characteristic candor, wit, self-mockery, and celebration of the good life. From Marcelle to Tania, to Alexandra, to Anna, and from the Left Bank to Pigalle, Miller sweeps us up in his odyssey in search of the perfect job, the perfect woman, and the perfect experience. Product details Format Paperback | 272 pages Dimensions ...

Errol Flynn - an Epic Life (9783962580056)

Poetry. Literary Nonfiction. Biography. The basic drama with Errol Flynn was that he had everything--looks, charm, talent, intelligence, and a huge following of devoted fans and willing women. He was the classic image of a swashbuckling hero and romantic lover. That which other men merely fantasized about, Flynn did with style and dash, living in a way which surpassed any film he ever made. But somewhere on the road to movie immortality he embarked on a destructive lifestyle that wrecked his career and ultimately killed him. Why did it happen? What were the forces at work in this complex individual whose own father regarded him as an enigma? Kevin McAleer is not the first author to wend his way through the maze of myth and falsehood that comprises Flynn's legend, but no one has yet attempted an epic narrative of his life in verse. Flynn's ghostwriter for his memoir My Wicked, Wicked Ways called him one of the most poetic men I have ever met, and McAleer holds the view that bio...

Internet Dates from Hell (9781462052561)

There are close to one hundred million single adults living in the United States. Of those, approximately thirty-five million will look at online dating sites this year alone. Internet Dates from Hell provides the ins and outs of Internet dating from one woman's experiences, ranging from funny to scary to downright shocking. Internet Dates from Hell is not only a guide; it is also a seven-year journey through author Trisha Ventker's dating life as a single kindergarten teacher who relocated from the suburbs to New York City to find her soul mate. Fielding over four hundred responses on a given day, and receiving more than fifty-two thousand hits on her personal ad in an eight-month span, Ventker shares her frightening but true dating encounters in the wonderful world of online dating. Follow Ventker through the trials and tribulations of her quest to find "Mr. Right". Along the path, Trisha Ventker endures hundreds of first dates. Encounters include a conspiracy theo...

El futuro de la humanidad: La terraformacion de Marte, los viajes interestelares la inmortalidad y nuestro destino mas alla de la tierra / The Future of Huma (9788499928364)

El último libro de Michio Kaku. Un relato sobre galaxias, tecnología y el futuro de la humanidad. Nuestro destino yace en las estrellas, no por nuestra curiosidad o pasión por los viajes, sino para asegurarnos nuestra propia supervivencia. Las edades de hielo, los impactos de asteroides, la capacidad de carga finita de la Tierra e incluso la futura muerte del sol son algunas de las amenazas existenciales que pueden destruir a la humanidad. Así que, o abandonamos la Tierra o deberemos asumir la idea de nuestra inevitable extinción como especie. En El futuro de la humanidad, el Dr. Michio Kaku explora los pasos necesarios para lograr este ambicioso objetivo, describiendo las tecnologías que nos permitirán colonizar y terraformar otros planetas, aprovechar los cielos en busca de materiales preciosos y finalmente establecernos en las estrellas. El Dr. Kaku nos presenta a lo largo de estas páginas a robots autoreplicantes, nanomateriales y cultivos de bioingeniería que permitirán a la human...

Architectural Graphic Standards for Architects, Engineers, Decorators, Builders and Draftsmen (0471247626)

The reissue of a design classic--the book that revolutionized the practice of architecture. When it was published in 1932, this cornerstone edition of Ramsey and Sleeper's Architectural Graphic Standards was the very first book to present the accepted architectural practices of the time in a clear and accessible graphic form. Now finally available in paperback, this landmark reference still has much to offer us today, with beautifully illustrated practical information on traditional architectural standards, methods, and materials that cannot be found elsewhere. Covering all facets of building construction from foundations to interior finishes, it will be valued by a new generation of architects, design professionals, and others involved in the restoration and renovation of historic buildings as well as anyone with an interest in architectural history. Product details Form...

Uprising: How to Build a Brand--and Change the World--By Sparking Cultural Movements (0071782826)

The secret to movement marketing? Your customers want to make a difference "Scott Goodson and his StrawberryFrog colleagues have found the secret to plugging into Purpose with a capital P: find out what moves people to action, then create a way to support and enhance that movement with your product, service, or craft. I call that a winning strategy." -Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive and A Whole New Mind "Want to change your customers' buying habits? Want to change the world? Stop marketing, read this book, roll up your sleeves, and start a movement." -Sally Hogshead, author of Fascinate and creator of "Essential stuff. One of the smartest thinkers on branding on one of the most important developments in that critical intersection between culture and marketing." -Adam Morgan, author of Eating the Big Fish and The Pirate Inside "A well-researched and insightful book that will hopefully spark a movement against traditional, sto...

Prime Cut : Ein Australien-Krimi (9783426519592)

Schnelles Geld, mafiöse Strukturen, Korruption in der Polizei und Rassismus - Alan Carter zeichnet in seinem Kriminalroman "Prime Cut" das erschreckende Bild einer Boomtown im australischen Outback, unter deren Oberfläche es gefährlich brodelt. "Man hatte ihn abserviert, weil er faul, schludrig, inkompetent, arrogant und korrupt gewesen war." Cato Kwong, früher ein aufgehender Stern am australischen Polizeihimmel, ist auf dem Abstellgleis der Kriminalpolizei gelandet: beim Viehdezernat. Als in Hopetoun, einer boomenden Kleinstadt in West-Australien, eine Leiche ohne Kopf angespült wird, bekommt er seine zweite Chance. Sonnenschein und Meer - nicht die schlechtesten Bedingungen für die Aufklärung eines Mordfalls. Der Kaffee und die Leute sind allerdings ziemlich mies. Schnell wird Cato klar, dass der Aufschwung in Hopetoun seinen Preis hat: Mit ihm gehen Korruption, Ausbeutung und Rassismus einher. "Eine frische, rauhe Stimme im australischen Crime Beat" - ...

The Vampire : A New History (9780300232233)

An authoritative new history of the vampire, two hundred years after it first appeared on the literary scene Published to mark the bicentenary of John Polidori's publication of The Vampyre, Nick Groom's detailed new account illuminates the complex history of the iconic creature. The vampire first came to public prominence in the early eighteenth century, when Enlightenment science collided with Eastern European folklore and apparently verified outbreaks of vampirism, capturing the attention of medical researchers, political commentators, social theorists, theologians, and philosophers. Groom accordingly traces the vampire from its role as a monster embodying humankind's fears, to that of an unlikely hero for the marginalized and excluded in the twenty-first century. Drawing on literary and artistic representations, as well as medical, forensic, empirical, and sociopolitical perspectives, this rich and eerie history presents the vampire as a strikingly complex being that h...

Visuelles Wörterbuch Türkisch-Deutsch : Über 6000 Wörter und Redewendungen (3831090602)

Dieses kompakte Bildwörterbuch stellt über 6000 türkische Begriffe und deren deutsche Übersetzung vor. Über 1600 farbige Fotografien und Grafiken sowie eine systematische Gliederung in verschiedene Bereiche des alltäglichen Lebens ermöglichen einen schnellen und lebendigen Zugang zur türkischen Sprache. Informationskästen mit grammatischen Erläuterungen runden das Buch ab. Ein anschaulicher, praktischer und kompetenter Begleiter für Reise, Beruf und zum Nachschlagen zu Hause. Product details Format Paperback | 360 pages Dimensions 141 x 164 ...